Why Donate?
1. Our projects have societal value. They create transformational experiences. They inject creative and collective thinking in communities. Future-oriented, they move people to reflection and action. They are questioning machines that actively work towards social, personal and political change.
2. Our experiences reach the parts other events don’t reach: we reach diverse parts of mind, body, society, academy, industry, government. They put in touch what is kept apart for political, commercial, social or historical reasons. They engage on high stakes issues bringing insights into our futures.
3. Financing for such projects is hard to find. Transversal, multi- or non-genre work of this kind can fall between the gaps in traditional arts, academic and commercial funding. Our initial projects were partly self-financed. Our last project was supported by several grants but we still had to self-finance over 30%. Despite official discourses on how crucial the arts are for human-centred innovation, arts funding continues to dwindle. The smaller, bolder companies are disappearing. Meanwhile, the development time of our projects increases and our sustainability model needs to evolve.
4. You get tax rebates on your donations. Yep, there’s something financial in it for you! The platforms we use guarantee security and the documentation you need. French donors will already receive their tax documents via Hello Asso. We are setting up platforms to enable donors from other countries to receive appropriate tax documents.
5. You can donate anonymously. However, if you choose not to, we will contact you to become a member of the non-profit and/or to provide you with complimentary invitations to future events.
“It's a unique experience, on the border between theater and reality.”
– Jimmy Charlot LPC, France
“You will have the chance to jointly explore and create a future where truth takes over the court rooms.”
– Cultural Center CZKD, Belgrade
“A truly transformative experience!"
– Catherine Benacin, founder of Social 3.0, France